It’s easy to think you’re done with your doctors once you get a prescription. However, that’s only the beginning in reaching optimal outcomes, especially if you take psychotropic medications for psychological conditions like anxietydepression, or bipolar disorder.

Our Associates in Behavioral Science team closely monitors the people in our care to ensure their medication improves their mental health. At our office in Berwyn, Illinois, that involves therapy and regular follow-up medication management appointments while you take psychotropic drugs. This may seem like one more thing to worry about, but research shows this approach provides better results.

If you take prescriptions for a mental health disorder, here are five benefits you can expect from medication management.

1. Medication assessment

The most obvious benefit of a medication management program involves the close assessment it provides. That’s because a medication that works in some people may not work as well in others.

Regular meetings give your provider the opportunity to evaluate whether your prescription is offering the best results, especially if you take it along with other drugs or over-the-counter items, including vitamins and supplements.

2. Personalized therapy

Your medication management appointments also create an environment that encourages you to be more involved in your treatment.

During these collaborative sessions, you can actively discuss reactions or concerns to your medications, along with any other issues affecting your health. These conversations help us better personalize your treatment strategy, so you get the tools you need to control your symptoms and actively engage in managing your own condition.

3. Ongoing review

You may consider a prescription a “one and done” event. Instead, it’s part of an ongoing process that continues to evolve along with you.

Taking this approach ensures we can continue modifying and optimizing your medications as needed, whether your medical conditions change, you face new obstacles, or your overall goals get reevaluated.

4. Reduced costs

Ongoing appointments may seem like more money. However, effective medication management strategies actually reduce costs for both healthcare systems and patients alike.

Studies show people save more money when they only purchase medications deemed the most appropriate and effective. Plus, proper medication management comes with more successful recoveries and outcomes for short-term and chronic illnesses.

5. Improved outcomes

Finally, it’s hard to beat the fact that medication management comes with better patient outcomes and increased satisfaction. This occurs for several reasons.

First, people are more likely to take their medications as directed when they interact with their providers regularly. However, people also feel as though they receive better and more personalized care, and they feel more actively involved at the same time.

Providers also see these positive outcomes, and it comes with another benefit — they can spend less time on medication-related issues and focus on other critical aspects of patient care.

Do you take prescription drugs? See how you can benefit from medication management by contacting Associates in Behavioral Science by calling 708-627-2710 or requesting an appointment online today.

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